Monday, July 2, 2007

Shilpa Shetty, You failed us!!!!!!!!!

I just finished watching the entire set of the big brother videos on and was wondering if Shilpa Shetty really deserved to win. For me, it was a big deal that we had an Indian who was representing our country at Big brother and it made me very angry to knows the way she was bullied and the racial slur that was directed against her and I suddenly realised if the whole of Britain feels the same way about us; Of course the apologies came, but I am sure that a section of the society felt that Indians really do not have much to contribute and come from the slums.

But that apart, the reason I write this blog is because I wonder if we had a right representation of our country and its people. First and foremost, I really feel that if Jermaine Jackson was not present to save the day, would Shilpa have been able to maintain her cool and if it was not for the advice to continue acting dumb, would Shilpa really have been that tolerant? I wonder that because she has been going around telling people how the Indian counterparts have made life difficult for her and that the Indian security is not really doing its job right and the media has made her life difficult.

I wonder if she really deserved the credit. Well I did see her washing vessels and cooking for her roommates (she said it was personal choice, but someone intelligent could see that she successfully became a slave). I would have appreciated it if she had walked out on the show when she along with her country, India was battered beyond its dignity, having self admitted that she was loosing her dignity she stayed around for what, with a hope to win. Is she happy to have found success this way? What has she really won, yeah for one thing a lot of money and media coverage and an opportunity to be in this country forever? When two men had the guts to walk out on the show because they were bullied by the same people who bullied you, why didn't she do the same.

We definitely don’t need Shilpa to put us on the world map, we are already there, Just because she took on the racial slur and didn’t stand up for our country, and was called all kinds of names, do we really need to hail her and for what? Even after she was out of the house she said things like I forgive and I forget. Really, can you forgive and forget someone who has called you names and questioned your family values and above all degraded your country? The biggest joke was her receiving an award for winning Big brother (as if that was not enough) at a movie award function (and not for her acting skills). I don’t get it!!!!! What are all these people hailing her for and making her a demi-god of sorts.

All Shilpa did that day of the huge argument with Jade goody was to say “Shut up”, “I don’t want this”, “Stop swearing at me”, “Learn some manners”, and the rest of the gang got away saying what they really wanted to, to the extent of calling her a Paki, I attach the link stating exactly the extent of abuse use against our country.

In an recent interview she said she would kill herself if she was reborn Jade goody, that’s how she feels about her; then why say that you have forgiven and forgotten and that people make mistakes, demeaning ones country, especially your motherland is not a mistake but a crime, especially when our freedom fighters laid their lives so that you were a free citizen. You are basking in the glory, thanks to the citizens of Indian origin settled here in UK, who definitely don’t know what our country is all about and must have voted for you, feeling obviously too sorry for you.

Looking at her recent set of interviews with the Indian Media, I am sure that she is not exactly tolerant and when questioned she can be really spiteful, so what was that suffering all in silence for, to win that show and project India as a looser that needs a scandal to rescue it.

Yes you need to be dignified, you need to be kind and you need to be courteous but when you say that you are representing your country , please make the right representation, we are not exactly tolerant when the dignity of this country is questioned anymore, she suffered in silence and we don’t do that any more. We suffered a lot already in the hands of our British rulers and instead of taking a lesson from that she has decided to suffer again, and I wonder if that makes us really proud as she claims to be.

I am not sure if Gandhiji’s Ahimsa (based on non violence, which I think means tolerance to violence and get kicked, till it hurts), exactly got us independence and I wonder if we would have got far, if it hadn’t been for the great revolutionary leaders and they were not exactly tolerant. We were not tolerant at Kargil. We were not tolerant when we had US hold up sanctions against us.

Shilpa, I am happy for you and your new found success, but for once if you really thought you were representing us I wish you had mentioned once, that your country was not at all what it was made out to be and really shown them the true picture of our progressive country and that we definitely don’t belong to the slums!!!!!!!!!!

But if you can’t get the message across, I will, we are not tolerant to injustice against us anymore and we don’t need to project that either and we don’t want dim witted bimbos to make that kind of false representations of us Indians and Indian women in particular anymore.

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