Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Its my Life, Can I please live it....My Way?

This is probably going to be a very personal blog, but it’s a thought and I needed to voice it or pen it, you might say. We all have manners, which all have the so called ethics and the so called etiquettes, but can we please choose to dispaly them when we want to

Just some days back, I had a major discussion with a friend of mine actually it was more of a dispute and we didn’t quite talk after that, but I am glad I made my point. We were at this restaurant and were served poppadum’s and I just dipped a piece of it into one of the sauces and my friend freaked out and said “That’s not how you do it, you take a spoon and pour the sauce over your poppadum’s and have it”, and I was like, “Hello I am here to have dinner, and don’t care about what the a set of people whom I might never meet in my life again care about how I look when I am eating. Anyways I eat that stuff, its ultimately landing in my stomach, the same way, at least I had it my way and the way I had it kind of satiates my hunger cause I enjoyed it having my way, cause the whole process of having it your way tires me and I don’t enjoy my dinner when I don’t enjoy having my dinner the way you had it.

Of course we never went ahead with that discussion and I for the sake of friendship now don’t have the poppadum’s any more. But the point here is, how much do we care for the so called manners and etiquettes ultimately. I mean we have a whole set of manners and stuff, but when someone gets on the wrong side or we have some elderly say something to us we lash out with the choicest of pearls, where do the etiquettes and manners go then. Let me not even get started on the public display of etiquettes and manners in some sections of the Indian society.

Do you really care for the etiquettes when you are in the confines of your room, I don’t think so, I am sure you would beat a hippo with the wide size mouth of your to shove in that burger you might be enjoying, and just because you are at a public place, you got to have manners and don’t open you mouth these many inches wide.

I don’t care for these rules, when I go to a restaurant, I am there to have fun and forget the problem’s I had to deal with that day, I want to sit cross-legged on the chair and enjoy my food, and I don’t care two hoots about what the people around me think cause I don’t think I will see them again and if they thin I am funny , that’s good I at least managed to make people laugh, that’s a good deed isn’t it; and if they think I had no manners I don’t think they have any, cause what I do is none of their business and they shouldn’t be looking my way

I have one life, and I want to live eat, sleep the way I want to, and I don’t care about what people have to say about the way I conduct my life. I can understand when you are at a business meeting , you surely cant afford to act like a monkey, but other than that I am sure I am allowed to behave the way I want to and I wish no one tells me what to do.

I don’t care, I know I am looked at but people better not judge me. They don’t deserve to cause, they are not perfect either. I only appreciate god judging me for my deeds, I am sure when I have a discussion with him up there, he is not going to ask me if I was lady like or why I was not cross legged or why I didn’t have my hand on my knees and why I didn’t smear my poppadum’s with sauce and instead choose to dip it into the sauce, I am sure he will ask me if I lived a worthwhile life and contributed to the betterment of the society.

As I said I have one life and I live it the way I want to and I am not going to alter that for a set of strangers I don’t know and who don’t care about me.

I like being free, I like being wild and I like being dirty (in a very decent way) and that how it will be (except when I am with my mom, I will have to write a thousand more bogs for her to get me.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ettiquets and mannerisms come with the society where you live. It is something that you are either taught while in school or when u go to pre-univeristy and interact with your set of friends who come from a varied background and when you land up in your work enviornment.

When with friends, do you still behave the same way you would when it came to eating a burger, folding your legs on the chair and eating with a big wide mouth open. Definitely not right.. you would definitely have mannerisms and ettiquetes the way may be parents teach us .. No one stops neone from leading a life. its just that you are living in a mannered society and dont want to be counted amongst those who behave the way they do and that is why you carry yourself differently than the rest of the world.

Why does anyone amongst a group of friends look up to another person? Not for anything else, but simply because he/she is rather well behaved has some sense of manners both publicly as well as table manners and at the same time has some sense of style. This is the simple reason why you connect.

The fact that your friend told you that you must eat and drink in a particular way might not have been to de-mean you, may be adding that tinge of flavour in table manners. Now here you dont hav to get me wrong, it does not necessarily mean that you dont have any table manners at all.. but simply that at that point in time, your friend felt and said what he/she thought would be right for you.

The idea of not eating poppodums does not solve any issues, it just goes to show that you are dont feel good to the effect that your friend has some set of table manners that you dont approve of and nothing else. And yes, you are okay to have your set of opinion about what your friend had to say and you yours..

Hey Idiot ..you dont have OCD...

 Hey Idiot... when you tell me that you "have OCD" and clean the table with a tissue ....you don't impress me much.. cause I t...