Thursday, December 27, 2007

“Sometimes people come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime.”

When someone is in your life for a reason, it is habitually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance, to aid you spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. The prayer you sent up has been answered.

I have always credited myself for my perfect life and for being so perfect. I was this obedient kid and didn’t mind being told by my brother that I was being this total sucker, and I can’t get started with how my friends said that I had no life and will regret being this dork with straight “A’s”. I was this shining example whose neighbours and relatives gave an exceptional example of, much to the exasperation of their kids, and when I got back from London with my MBA there was nothing more I needed to achieve. I was just about to have this perfect life. My mom always credited me for my hard work but she always told me that there was this approach or “attitude” that she never appreciated; my dad had tried 20 years of his life before he gave up on me trying altering this attitude in me. This attitude that I am the “best”. I am actually my favourite person and that I can never be wrong, do wrong, that I can never fail…………just took a man and his family to alter all that.

It was this second day at work and I was just preparing for my new life, new career to kick start and then there was this family that just came in, and it changed everything my perception and my life. There was so much more I needed to do and there was so much I have missed out on and so much more to achieve.

Mr. Sandeep Naik, His beautiful wife and I am sure there is an angel missing up in heaven because that would definitely be Mr. Sandeep’s son. Here was this perfect family where this man showed no restraint in showering his family with as much as love as he could, carrying his little baby around and being this perfect husband to his partner holding her all the time and it felt so perfect and that’s when it hit me. I didn’t have all of it after all. How could my life be perfect, I still didn’t have this perfect husband who left all his decision to me, who held me without a care in the world and completed my world with this beautiful little kid who had this set of parents who wanted the world for him and even took his opinion on the house they were to purchase. The one year old angel sure agreed with a bit of wobbling. He was not only this perfect husband but was also perfect at whatever he did. He is a very integral associate at one of the biggest private equity firms and that means he makes very very important decisions but he still let his little tot decide on a million dollar investment in a house and this entire incident overwhelmed me so much.

What was even more touching is how down to earth this man was, he actually asked me if I think he should invest his money in here. This man pulled me back to earth. A Wharton School graduate expecting me to be credulous. He sure was this man who has achieved a lot more in life and it took him to come to my company and teach me that I needed to accomplish a lot more before I could say that I have it all.

I don’t like giving people much credit for my life, but Thank you Mr. ……..Thank you for inadvertently teaching me that I am still at such a nascent stage of my career and that its time to acknowledge my mom when she says that its time I realise that’s it good to have a family despite my bad experiences. It surprises me is that it took so long and why Mr. Sandeep.

I am sure there was a reason; it was the perfect season and the lesson sure stays for a life time. Nevertheless I sent a silent prayer asking god to bless his family, and bless me with one just like his……….

Hey Idiot dont have OCD...

 Hey Idiot... when you tell me that you "have OCD" and clean the table with a tissue don't impress me much.. cause I t...