Thursday, June 16, 2016

Back on my feet

It’s been ages since I have not written. Well the thoughts were there but strangely the idea left my brain the moment they came in. Thoughts like would that be a stupid topic to discuss and wouldn’t people think I am stupid, would people think I am trying to be a smart ass…wouldn’t people think..

I hardly have any views on this blog spot, but the fear of people reading and judging me was so strong that I have almost lost the enthusiasm to mention anything once I picked the laptop to write.

How did this happen, when did I become the person who cared so much….

I know that the last one year has not been easy, mostly my fault..going through depression,  people believing that its’ just an act,  met some real pricks who claimed to be my friends, my mind has not stood still..but the most basic harm ..I have not been myself .  I cared too much about what some looser ass without half(make that a quarter) of  my credentials thinks about me. Yeah I said cared …past tense..because post this blog…there are new ones coming…ones I will write without giving a sh** about which douche bags feelings are getting hurt here…or what that douche bag thinks … I don’t care for judgment anymore.

Boy….I am really angry, aint I… I thought douchebag was a single word. J

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Hey Idiot dont have OCD...

 Hey Idiot... when you tell me that you "have OCD" and clean the table with a tissue don't impress me much.. cause I t...