Sunday, April 21, 2019

Behind every successful Woman...there are men who think women are just like them.

When you see this picture its obvious that your attention goes to the woman running in between, being shoved and on her way to making history.

To me this picture also gives me an insight to what could have really happened at that time and how some men behaved and what they thought of women.

The woman is Kathrine Virginia "KathySwitzer the first lady to run the boston Marathon. Women were not allowed to run the Boston Marathon until 1972. In 1967, she became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entrant(an oversight at the registration). During her run, race official Jock Semple attempted to stop Switzer and grab her official bib. The word is “Grab”. I believe his actual words were "Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers!"

You see they could have just let her run the race. She wouldn’t have won because her registration was invalid. But then they thought, what if she wins, that would be a kick to our chauvinistic masculinity and to save the last shred of it, let’s just shove a woman and put their race into their place so that she doesn’t dare change or make history.
The acceptance of women in sports has take over 100 years, fighting generations of ugly stereotypes.

Now for the other aspect of this picture, Sadly for Semple he was shoved to the ground by Switzer's boyfriend, Thomas Miller, who was running with her and she completed the race.
We still live with that generation of men who think the same way they did 4 decades ago and then there are men like Tom miller who aid that movement for women to have the same rights as them.

 As a feminist ..the one who believes in equal opportunities, I want to thank  men who have made  our lives a little easier, made our struggle a little lesser. To the fathers who support and love their daughters, to the husband that is a partner and a friend, to the bosses who don’t see gender but abilities and capabilities. In general men whose best quality  include the absence of  chauvinism.

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