Monday, March 17, 2008

Love makes the world go round

As I was thinking about what my next plan of action would be at work on the day of a compensatory leave and I happen to glance out of the window I see two pigeons on a branch pecking at each other and I say so sweet and miss Nishant even more and then I am off to sleep and after two hours as I glance out of my window again there they are still and my mind races to the two sparrow that are seated on the window ledge of my neighbors house everyday..I saw them everyday …every evening a male and a female sparrow …they sit there together chirping talking to each other…sometimes they are too close for comfort and sometimes as if they had a fight there would be a few centimeters of difference between the two …” I saw you flirting with the other sparrow today” …

And I think to myself we fight we lie but we still love…a phenomenon called love that’s still an unexplained one that god gets full credit for creating. A emotion that tugs your heart, brings a smile on your face and a tear too. And then as I wonder what this emotion is all about and what it is that makes me feel like that the only answer that comes to my mind is “ Let it be….at least it makes the world go round”.

Yes it is indeed an emotion a feeling that has bound people together today and that’s what MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND.”

There is this very sweet couple that I have been dealing with in my office …he is a tall handsome man and she is this short sweet cute girly and different countries, different cultures….and still so much in love…what is this bond between them that he cares so much for her and wants to hold her hand put his arms around her and take her consent and answer her concerns ……I am sure he does loose his patience but then he knows she is right and they are again this sweet couple that make you want to go “ohhhhhhhhhhhh”

What is this unexplainable bond between my mom and says she was dark complexioned and stout and dad was this fair handsome guy …when they got into an arranged marriage. I don’t hear them say “I love you” at all…but in so many years as I have watched them bring us up, fight over issues, get angry and make ,…as I have watched mom wait for dad to have dinner no matter how late he is and cry when she has to leave him for a while even if they are getting back together after 15 days I realize these words don’t have to be said.

I have had the privilege to experience this wonderful emotion myself. Though I have not been the giving one in this relationship and can’t take all the credit for making this relationship better. I always though I could play it safe and never fall in love when I saw my friends going through their set of heartbreaks and I pledged to never get into it. Not that my relationship has been problem free and I have had my set of heart breaks too I am glad I have Nishant in my life. I would have probably turned insane if it wasn’t of him. He took over from where my family gave up on me. I mean not that my family gave up on me but he did take over all my responsibilities cause I am not used to taking any and I would have had to trouble dad if not him. So he took over my life from my dad and he has so far done a brilliant job at that. Despite the problems we have had and the set of nonsensical people trying to ruin it for us …we have been together and I could never give up on him and we have been able to forgive each other and never call it quits. I guess that’s what love is all about. You just learn to tolerate each other, hate and love each other. The one we love can cause us grief and pain and still be the one that can make us the most happy. I still don’t get it I don’t know how Nishant finds it in his heart to forgive me despite being so rude to him and sometimes frustrating him beyond limits. . I don’t know where he has the patience and I don’t know what makes me go back to him despite him giving me a near fatal heart attack with his antics and sometime making me angry enough to have the blood spurt out of my ears. I believe either we have an amazing tolerance for each other or we are what the world would call it “ IN LOVE” .

What ever this feeling is I know that I am the happiest that I ever was and I am sure I am not changing that for anything in the world and I know that no matter what I prefer being I love that being rich and famous …cause its not point if I have no one to share it with cause. Nishant makes me feel all of that…beautiful gorgeous and rich ….and famous….
Even when I am looking my worst and am in my worst he makes me feel like Cinderella and I don’t know if I have ever felt like that before fact he bought this sea of change in me and I am sure now I do look beautiful cause I wanted to just for him.

The other day I saw a dog biting of the fleas of her new born puppy and I could see that she could not see her child in pain and the way she ignored the food that people were passing on to her just because she wanted to be with her baby all the time,

I guess that’s love …

I think I want to just sum it all by saying that I want to bless god for blessing us with this emotion called love ..cause this world would shatter into pieces the day we loose it ……though hatred and a lot of unwanted emotions have taken over we still have a few ounces of love in every human being and that’s preventing the world from exploding.

I am sure the day we loose that last ounce of love in us that day will be worse than the world being hit by a nuclear explosion cause we might as well die that live in a loveless world.

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