Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hey Idiot ..you dont have OCD...

 Hey Idiot... when you tell me that you "have OCD" and clean the table with a tissue ....you don't impress me much.. cause I think you are trying to tell me that you like to keep your surrounding clean..but don't know what OCD truly means. 

I hope you know OCD is a serious issue... your life is not the same. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions).

Similarly when someone says that he or she is bipolar or is going insane... do they know what these neurological issues really mean.. read it up..educate yourself..

There was a time when i used to think I was bipolar because I would experience dipping and soaring of energy and mood through the day..till I watched the Anne Hathaway episode of Modern love.(Must Watch). I  never suffered and pray to god I never do..

Next time you open your mouth and say things like ... "I have OCD" or "Crazy bitch must be bipolar"...stop for a second and think about what its like to live with these issues.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Behind every successful Woman...there are men who think women are just like them.

When you see this picture its obvious that your attention goes to the woman running in between, being shoved and on her way to making history.

To me this picture also gives me an insight to what could have really happened at that time and how some men behaved and what they thought of women.

The woman is Kathrine Virginia "KathySwitzer the first lady to run the boston Marathon. Women were not allowed to run the Boston Marathon until 1972. In 1967, she became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entrant(an oversight at the registration). During her run, race official Jock Semple attempted to stop Switzer and grab her official bib. The word is “Grab”. I believe his actual words were "Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers!"

You see they could have just let her run the race. She wouldn’t have won because her registration was invalid. But then they thought, what if she wins, that would be a kick to our chauvinistic masculinity and to save the last shred of it, let’s just shove a woman and put their race into their place so that she doesn’t dare change or make history.
The acceptance of women in sports has take over 100 years, fighting generations of ugly stereotypes.

Now for the other aspect of this picture, Sadly for Semple he was shoved to the ground by Switzer's boyfriend, Thomas Miller, who was running with her and she completed the race.
We still live with that generation of men who think the same way they did 4 decades ago and then there are men like Tom miller who aid that movement for women to have the same rights as them.

 As a feminist ..the one who believes in equal opportunities, I want to thank  men who have made  our lives a little easier, made our struggle a little lesser. To the fathers who support and love their daughters, to the husband that is a partner and a friend, to the bosses who don’t see gender but abilities and capabilities. In general men whose best quality  include the absence of  chauvinism.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

To all the 20 year olds there. ( You may be an ageist and not know it)

You are going to be 30 soon and before you know it , you will be 40 and then I would like to ask you, how you like it when people call you “So old” especially when you are made to feel like a  person who has lost  all abilities to survive by themselves.  Next time you are in a conversation and find out that someone is in their 30s or late 30’s, don’t go “oh my god he or she is sooooo old yaar”.

One may have missed out on being a millennial by a couple of months and One may be a decade or two older than you but they have the same amount of energy as you. Haven’t lost their senses yet and will do their job with the same amount of enthusiasm, may be more if required.

Being older means you could learn a thing or two from me. My experience could be your lesson and may inspire you.  I can beat you at a dance off and though I am yet to have wrinkles I could easily hide that with an expensive haircut if I wish to.

Don’t talk to me like my life is over.

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Elevator Speech ....

Sometimes the strangest of situations can give you a real insight to what you are made of. 
I was stuck in an elevator yesterday for a whole 20 min and that moment really changed my perspective and the idea I had about “me”.
I have always been scared of elevators, it’s the same fear I face when flying. I am not in peace and am constantly praying for the flight to land and get out of it. When in an elevator, I always look out for ways to save myself “If things were to go wrong”. The taller the building, greater is the fear. It helps if I share the elevator with someone but if I am alone I am praying to the elevator gods. 
So yesterday when I entered the elevator and it moved to the first floor and just stopped, I would have expected my reaction to be that of sheer panic, (I also suffer from Phasmophobia and Nyctophobia, so at the same time wondering which spirit I was sharing the lift with and if he or she is going to be friendly). I would have been picturing my death after the lift had plummeted to the ground (to the daredevils out there rolling your eyes, don't make me explain phobias).
But to my surprise I see that I was strangely calm. So this is what happened 
  • 1) First minute - OK, It’s pretty dark and I can’t see a thing.
    2) Second minute – Let’s use the light on the mobile and search and press the alarm button.
    3) Third minute- Let’s call someone and tell them I am stuck in an elevator and get help. (Unfortunately I couldn't do that since there was no network in the elevator. 
    The next 17 minutes, this is what I told myself.
    "You are an idiot; Of course you are not going to die. You will have enough air to breathe till you are rescued because you are in a building and you have set the alarms and someone will come with help. This lift will not plummet to the ground because this is a “sophisticated” elevator and you are on the freaking first floor, and you might break a bone or two (should help you score a vacation from work) or make a good story to narrate the next day. Also say you were to die, you lived a good life and had the love of the people who mattered. No you are not dying. Just take some god damn selfies for "The time you were stuck in an elevator".
    As these thoughts ran through my mind, I realized how “Chilled out” I was. I noticed that while people who had come to help me were shouting to communicate with me and scared for me, I was strangely calm and screaming back that I was OK. 
    You see, for the last couple of years I have been battling some self esteem issues. I tell myself I am stronger and then dive right back into self pity and not feeling too good about myself. That's why this moment, where I was suddenly demonstrating strength and calmness came as a major surprise to me. 
    But I guess this is what life does to you. You don't stay the same. You change. Experience changes you. The people you are with changes you, shutting down the wrong people in your life will change you. Seeking help, daily motivation and self help changes you. Acknowledging that you have a problem even if the world doesn't see it and then working towards make each day better changes you. It gets better.
    I know that if I was the person I was in the last couple of years, I would have probably started crying, screaming and banging the elevator doors. You know what I did. I put on my earphones on and sat on the floor and listened to some music and then waiting to get the hell out of there (chuckling about how I am going to spin stories about this experience coming out looking like wonder woman.) 
    It’s taken a lot of self help book reading, watching a motivational video every day and every opportunity I get (Face book, Insta and LinkedIn included) and trying to be a better version of myself each day. It’s a struggle but the “elevator Incident” showed me that I had made progress and it was going to get better. 
    P.S. The GIF. is a representation of how I walked out of that elevator. No Kidding.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Why are we celebrating the Cauvery verdict?

Just exactly why are people excited about Karnataka having an upper hand in the latest Kaveri Water verdict. I stay in Whitefield and one of my neighbors wastes nearly half a tanker water every Sunday cleaning her stairs just so that its sparkling clean. You can literally hear the continuous flow of water and the splashing that goes on for nearly an hour. We can't save water and are shamelessly celebrating this judgment which doesn't matter cause Global city or no, we will always have illiterates who will not mind keeping their homes clean at the cost of the environment. We stake claim over natural resources but don't know how to respect Nature or preserve it. 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Does the size of my bag bother you!!!!

I will keep this short. 

Why do I have to justify the size of my bag or the number of bags I bring along?

So I have a tiff-in box, a Laptop Bag and a general bag to carry stuff that I need and not a single day goes by when I don’t have a moron asking me, “Itna kya laati ho” translated to “Why do you need so many things to survive through a day”.

Listen Moron, I can’t bring my food in my purse that’s why the Tiff-in box, My Ipad fits into my iPad  bag only along with stuff I need at work like my diary and stationary and if you question me about the need to have a ladies purse I seriously want to punch you in the nose. I need to carry my purse for my chargers, make up, stuff a lady needs, Reading glasses, Sunglasses, My ID card. My purse, My car keys, my house keys… etc.

SO back off…….

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My husband snores...Real Loud..(I am too sleep deprived to think of a better title)

So my husband snores and like really snores,…so much so that you wish you could cut your ears to sleep again after you wake up in the middle of the night by mistake.
Then the following thoughts come in…….

1)      Oh God, I need a pin to staple his nose shut.
2)      Thank god I have a husband sleeping next to me at least, it’s better than sleeping alone.
3)      Prepare Excuses in case I don’t sleep for hours together and wake up late cause “ my husband snores” won’t be a good enough excuse right?
4)      I am getting a new bed and shifting him to the other bedroom tomorrow.
5)      No, calm music being played at the loudest volume is not helping. 

Hey Idiot ..you dont have OCD...

 Hey Idiot... when you tell me that you "have OCD" and clean the table with a tissue ....you don't impress me much.. cause I t...